首页热门推荐 登山 GYACHUNG KANG 北壁 斯洛文尼亚路线 第二支登顶队伍[组图]

GYACHUNG KANG 北壁 斯洛文尼亚路线 第二支登顶队伍[组图]

作者:admin    2006-08-22 00:00

  GYACHUNG KANG North Face, Slovenian Route, Second Ascent

  Taeko and Yasushi Yamanoi (Japan) attempted Gyachung Kang (7985m) via the Slovenian Route (M4 55? 2000m, Car-Jakofcic-Jost-Meznar-Prezelj-tremfelj, 1999) in October. They arrived at base camp on September 16 and spent twenty days acclimating up to 6900 meters before proceeding to an advanced camp at the foot of The North Face. On October 5 they left base camp; their cook, Gyaltsen, remained to look after camp during their climb. They began their ascent from 5900 meters on October 6 at 5 a.m., climbing unroped over mixed terrain (50?60?. The upper part of the face featured overhanging rock and ice; fearing avalanches, they traversed beneath it, reaching 7000 meters, where they painstakingly chopped a ledge for their tent. On October 7 they continued, again unroped, climbing straight up before traversing right to a wide, thirty-degree plateau at 7500 meters, where they bivouacked. During this bivy, Yasushi noticed several toes on his right foot had turned purple.

  Snow and near-whiteout conditions greeted the climbers the next day as they began. Taeko, feeling dizzy, decided to go back to the tent and wait for Yasushi. Yasushi continued over sEVENTy-degree mixed terrain, reaching the summit at 1:30 p.m., six hours after beginning. He stayed on top only a minute before beginning his Descent. A sense of listlessness greeted his return to the plateau. He was forced to stop every three or four steps and was reduced to crawling by the time he reached the tent at 3 p.m.

  The storm continued, and they descended the next morning in ten-meter visibility. Taeko led; Yasushi experienced difficulties frontpointing due to the frostbite on his feet. They used the rope twice on the difficult traverse (anchors were problematic) before reaching 7200 meters, where they chopped a ten-centimeter ledge. Sitting on this, they pulled the tent over their heads for shelter. They were hit three times during the night by avalanches.

  On October 10 they used the rope from the beginning. Yasushi went first. “Taeko was still vigorous, but I was exhausted,” Yasushi remembers. “Still, we needed to establish piton anchors, and I抦 better at that than Taeko.” The storm continued, and anchors were difficult to find. On the seventh rappel Taeko was hit by an avalanche as she approached Yasushi at the anchors. She flew over him, coming to a stop upside down in midair, out of sight below. Righting herself, she noticed the rope, which had run over a sharp rock, was about to break. She cried out to Yasushi not to pull the rope, secured herself to the slope with her AXE and crampons and untied. She had hit her head against a rock during the fall and lost much blood, as well as her right glove; her vision in her left eye was also affected.

  Yasushi pulled up the rope, understood the situation, descended to confirm Taeko抯 well-being, then reascended to retrieve the line. Another avalanche hit him, ripping off his goggles and affecting his vision as well. When he finally rejoined Taeko four hours later, he was exhausted and could no longer see. Taeko placed three screws and made an anchor for their bivy. When she went to light the stove, she dropped the lighter. They collected ice and swallowed it through the night.

  Yasushi抯 vision had improved by morning, and they continued their descent with the rope, which had been reduced to thirty-five meters by Taeko抯 fall. When they reached the lower-angled slopes at the base of the face, they became separated. Thinking he might be better able to find Taeko from a distance, Yasushi continued down. Near the base of the face he noticed Gyaltsen, who looked up at him and said, “Tea, tea.” Upon reaching the glacier proper, Yasushi looked back to see Taeko with some people. He noticed strangers nearby. “What are you doing here?” he asked them. “We are training,” they replied.

  Two hours later Taeko rejoined him on the glacier. She had felt the presence of others the entire time of her descent, and when the two discussed it, they realized they had been hallucinating. They reached their advanced base before dark, made tea and slept well in sleeping bags.

  At noon October 12, they rose. Taeko抯 vision had improved, while Yasushi was still experiencing difficulties in his right eye. They began the hike to base camp at 1 p.m. Taeko had not eaten for six days and was exhausted. Yasushi continued ahead through thirty centimeters of snow while Taeko followed slowly behind. At 2 a.m. they gave up their efforts to regain base camp and endured an open bivy. The next morning Yasushi took a photo of Taeko, then hurried for camp alone. Only the dining tent remained. He shouted for Gyaltsen, who appeared and burst into tears. Their support team had assumed they had disappeared.

  They began their return to Kathmandu immediately and were flown to a hospital in Tokyo on October 18. At the time of this writing, Yasushi has lost five fingers to frostbite, as well as all the toes on his right foot. Taeko, who lost eighteen digits and her nose to frostbite on Makalu in 1991, had the remaining joints of her fingers amputated. Operations to treat their frostbite continue.

  GYACHUNG KANG 北壁 斯洛文尼亚路线 第二支登顶队伍


  山野井妙子和山野井泰史在十月份尝试了Gyachung Kang峰(7985m)的斯洛文尼亚路线(M4 55゜ 2000m, Car-Jakofcic-Jost-Meznar-Prezelj-tremfelj, 1999年首登)。他们于9月16日到达大本营。在北壁脚下建立前进营地之前,他们花了二十天在BC到6900m之间作高原适应训练。10月5日,他们离开了大本营,他们的厨子Gyaltsen留守。10月6日凌晨5点,他们从5900m处开始上升,无绳索攀登一段混合地形(50゜~60゜)。这一段的上部是仰角的冰岩混合地形,为了避开雪崩,他们从下面横切过去,到达7000m高度。在这里,他们费了很大劲才挖出了搭帐篷的平台。第二天,他们继续无保护攀登直上,然后向右方横切到一块宽阔的30度的平地,海拔7500m。他们在这里露营,这时山野井泰史发现右脚的几个脚趾已经变紫。



  10月10日,他们从一开始就使用绳子。泰史在前面:“妙子状态依旧很好,但我已经精疲力尽了,”他回忆道,“我们依然需要用岩钉做好保护点,这个我要熟练些。” 暴风雪还在继续,保护点也很难找。在第七个下降的绳距时,妙子在接近保护点的泰史时被雪崩击中了。她从他头顶飞过,在视野之外的半空中倒悬着停住了。恢复平稳后,她发现绳子在一块锋利的岩石上的部分快要断掉了。她叫喊着让泰史不要拉绳子,并用冰镐和冰抓把自己固定在坡上然后解开绳子。在滑坠中她的头撞到了岩石上,流了很多血,右手的手套也丢失了;左眼的视力也受了影响。


  早上泰史的视力恢复了一些,他们继续用仅剩的35米绳子下降。到达北壁脚下坡度较小的地方时,他们已经走散了。考虑到从远处更容易发现妙子,泰史继续下撤。在北壁脚下时,他看到Gyaltsen抬起头来对他说:“茶,茶。” 到达冰川上时,他回头看到妙子和一些人在一起。他也注意到了旁边的一些陌生人。“你们在这儿做什么?”他问道。“我们在训练”那些人说。两小时后,妙子在冰川上赶上了他。她在下撤途中一直觉得身边有其他人。两人讨论了一下,意识到这些都是幻觉。他们在天黑前回到了前进营地,喝了些茶,钻进睡袋里好好睡了一觉。




  格仲康峰(Gyachung Kang),海拔7,952m ,位于喜马拉亚山区的孔布地区,卓奥友和珠峰之间,是世界第十五高的独立主峰。该峰于1964年6月10 日被Y. Kato, K. Sakaizawa和Pasang Phutar首登。次日,K. Machida 和K. Yasuhisa登顶。1999年,斯洛文尼亚队首登北壁。2002年,山野井泰史亦完成该线路。

  山野井泰史(Yasushi Yamano)i


  1988年攀登北极圈Baffin岛Thor峰西壁,1990年南美patagonia Fitz Roy大岩壁独攀成功。1991年开始向喜马拉雅群峰挑战。1994年卓奥友峰(8201m)南西壁单独首登。2000年世界第二高峰K2(8611m)南南东棱以仅48小时时间单独首登。2002年挑战格仲康峰(Gyachung Kang, 7952m)北壁登顶後,遭遇恶劣天气而奇蹟式生还。[详细]


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