首页热门推荐 国际 Spyder品牌进行人事调动 原公司coo Jacobs升任CEO

Spyder品牌进行人事调动 原公司coo Jacobs升任CEO

作者:admin    2007-06-30 11:18
  SPYder promoted president and COO Jake Jacobs to the position of CEO and president. Mr. Jacobs assumes the role of CEO from David Jacobs, the company founder and his father, who will remain the company  Chairman of the Board.

  Spyder品牌任命原COO Jake Jacobs为新的CEO。Jacobs 先生接任David Jacobs的CEO的职务,David Jacobs是该公司的创始人和Jake Jacobs的父亲, 他将留任公司董事会主席.

  Spyder reported it has achieved a 5-year annual CAGR of 30%. With Jake Jacobs's guidance as president over the past two years, he’s positioned the company for continued expansion, including the addition of a year-round product offering and launching a business strategy that includes future flagship retail stores.

  Spyder品牌报道了公司5年的年度增长率为30%.  Jake Jacobs在过去的两年任总裁职务的,在他在任期间公司持续扩张, 其中包括增设全年提供产品,并制定了一项包括未来零售旗舰店经营策略。

  Jake presented the spark that started Spyder,said the senior Jacobs. It’s fitting that the story came full circle, with Jake leading the company he inspired. Jake has the ability and talent to lead Spyder to the next level of sUCCess.



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