首页热门推荐 国际 prAna公司重整销售团队 为客户提供更多支持和服务

prAna公司重整销售团队 为客户提供更多支持和服务

作者:admin    2008-01-29 15:46

  SportsOneSource媒体2008年1月24日报道:PrAna公司宣布重整其销售团队包括销售代理,以便更好的服务分布于五大洲的30个国家。重组销售团队后的prAna将保留行业内富有经验的专业人士 ,通过零售商的定期通报提高顾客服务水平。

  以前prAna是由一个小销售团队负责加州以外各地区的国内销售的。现在prAna拥有七支专业销售队伍,这种新的销售团队结构能够提供更多的服务、支持、咨询以及销售协助。除了增加外界的销售团队, prAna还将改组其内部团队,为其余地区提供更多的支持。

  “我们承诺会更多关注我们的零售商。新的销售团队结构将为客户提供更多更好的服务,把店内支持提高到一个绝无仅有的水平。”prAna副总裁兼总经理Demian Kloer说道。

  原文:prAna Adds Independent Sales Reps

  SportsOneSource Media     Posted: 1/24/2008

  For the first time in 14 years, prAna is announcing a restructure of its sales team to include independent outside sales reps dediCATed to serving 30 states in five regions.  While new to prAna, these veteran industry professionals have years of experience and will increase the level of customer service by working with retailers on a personal and regular bASIs.

  Previously prAna’s domestic sales were led by a small team out of California.  With seven teams now dedicated to working in the field, the new sales team structure allows for more service and support, clinics, merchandising assistance and overall education and awareness.  In addition to adding the outside sales teams, prAna will restructure its in-house team to provide more support for the remaining regions.

  “We are committed to caring for our retailers on a personal level.  The new sales team structure means stores will be visited more and serviced better with an unprecedented level of in-store support from prAna,” said Demian Kloer, vice president and general manager.  “We are thrilled to have so many talented professionals representing prAna at retail and excited to introduce them to a larger audience for the first time at Outdoor Retailer.”

  The Morton Rep Group, Linda Morton and Laura Ditto, will serve four states the Pacific Northwest.  Lisa and Jeremy Hensel will serve four states in the Rocky Mountain region.  Lisa previously served as a prAna merchandising rep in that territory.  The Diamond Sports Group, Al Diamond and Erik Mushial will serve the twelve states in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast region.  PrAna’s current veteran sales team will continue to serve the other regions from California.

  Brad and John Dorough are also on board to service Scapegoat, prAna’s premium outerwear line, throughout ten states in the Southeast.


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