首页热门推荐 国际 户外产业基地推出新参与模式的研究报告


作者:admin    2007-06-27 11:03

  OIF Releases New Participation Study


  Outdoor Industry Foundation (OIF) released a new report ? The Next Generation of Outdoor Participants Report -- 2007. This new OIF report provides insight into changing participation trends in outdoor recreation and highlights the activities of the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts. With this focus on youth and young adults, OIF has increased its understanding of the full lifecycle of an active outdoor lifestyle among targeted groups in America.

  户外产业基地公布了一份新的报告,是有关2007年新一代户外参与者的报告。这个新报告为读者提供了户外活动参与的变化趋势,并且着重叙述了新一代户外爱好者的活动。这项活动参与者主要集中于青少年和年轻成人,  户外产业基地加大了在活跃户外生活方式中整个生命周期的理解,其中它的目标群体在美国

  The Next Generation of Outdoor Participants Report  2007 is based on an on-line survey capturing responses from over 60,000 Americans ages six and older and covers 114 different activities and is the largest survey of its type examining participation in sports and outdoor activities. The survey represents a precedent-setting, collaborative effort among OIF, Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, National Golf Foundation, and SnowSports Industries America.

  2007年新一代户外参与者报告是基于一个网上调查捕捉反应系统,数据采集来自六岁以上六万美国人并且涵盖114个不同形式的活动。这个报告也是在体育和户外活动中有关检验参与程度最大的调查。 这次调查是一个先例,是 OIF、体育用品制造商协会、国家高尔夫基金会, 美国snowsports产业协同努力的结果。

  Key Report Findings from the The Next Generation of Outdoor Participants:


  Participation by all ages has been steady over time in the five  ATEWAy outdoor activities which attract the most outdoor participants.

  Bicycling (any type)


  Camping (backyard, car, or RV)

  露营(后院,汽车,或RV )

  Fishing (any type)


  Hiking (day)


  Running/ jogging/ trail running


  Participation in Outdoor Activities declines from younger age groups to older age groups?80% of 6-12 year olds recreated outdoors in the last two years vs. below 50% of 65+ for the two-year period. The variety of activities also decreases with age.

  从年轻人到老年人参加户外活动正在减少。 过去两年中80%的6-12岁年轻人进行户外活动,各种各样的活动随着年龄而递减。

  Although the vast majority of Americans of all ages are trying outdoor activities, only 26% of participants engaged in one of 35 select outdoor activities two times a week or more over the last year.

  虽然绝大多数的美国人都在尝试户外活动, 但是只有26%的参与者可以有每周两次或更多次的户外运动

  Youth tried an average of 3.4 different outdoor recreation activities in 2006 which made them far more experimental than older age groups

  Sharp drops in participation are seen between young girls (6-12) and teen girls (age 13-17).

  年轻女孩( 6-12 )和十几岁的女孩( 13-17岁)户外运动参与者急剧下降。

  Participation amongst boys remains steady until age 17  18, at which time they also drop in participation.

  17岁以下的男生户外运动参与者保持稳定, 到18岁的时候运动参与程度就会减少。

  Females turn to indoor activities as a Source of fitness at a younger age than males.


  Skateboarders (age 6 to 24 years old) are more than twice as likely to bicycle (any type) than those who do not skateboard (age 6 to 24).

  While a smaller percent of Ethnic Americans participate in outdoor activities than White/ CaucASIans, Ethnic Americans who participate in outdoor activities take part in roughly the same number of outdoor outings as White/Caucasian outdoor participants.

  比起白色/白种人来说,华裔美国人参加户外活动的规模较小, 那些参加户外活动的华裔美国人人数大致与参加运动的白种人相同。


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