首页热门推荐 国际 Icebreaker将在波特兰的“TOUCH_LAB”零售店登陆


作者:admin    2007-10-24 15:35

  SportsOneSource媒体2007年10月22日报道:Icebreaker将在俄勒冈州波特兰的“TOUCH_LAB”零售店登陆,将于11月底开业。这个旗舰店占地2,600平方英尺,位于Pearl区Burnside大街1109W,这条街的店铺包括运动用品店、休闲服饰店以及多种时尚品牌店,包括Adidas、Lucy、The North Face、Diesel、PUMA等等。


  “首先,美国Icebreaker TOUCH_LAB这个新的想法更贴近我们的客户,它也使我们在波特兰的设计团队能够测试他们的构思。”Icebreaker的创始人兼首席执行官Jeremy Moon说道:“对我们来说,要想在美国取得成功就意味着必须在全世界取得成功,因为美国是最有影响力的户外市场。在其他地区市场,我们看到了与TOUCH_LAB共同创造的很多成功,不但提高了品牌认知度并且进一步缩短了我们和客户之间的距离。在美国市场上提高品牌认知度和巩固我们的设计主导地位,这一步是非常关键的。”

  Icebreaker日前宣布将其在美国的销售、市场营销业务纳入其目前位于1227 NW Davis的全球设计工作室办事处(当然也是在波特兰)。基于美国市场运营,在当地招揽人才,使设计团队得以更加贴近市场以及Icebreaker的终端用户。

  原文:Icebreaker Launches TOUCH_LAB Retail Store in Portland

  SportsOneSource Media     Posted: 10/22/2007

  Icebreaker will launch a “TOUCH_LAB” retail store in Portland, Oregon, set to open doors in late November. The flagship store will occupy over 2,600 square feet of store space at 1109 W Burnside Avenue, in the Pearl District which includes several athletic, lifestyle, and fashion brand stores including Adidas, Lucy, The North Face, Diesel, Puma, and others.

  The new TOUCH_LAB retail store will showcase the complete Icebreaker brand experience and its entire range of pure merino apparel. The Portland TOUCH_LAB will open its doors in late November. An invitational launch celebration will be held on Tuesday, December 4th.

  “The first U.S. Icebreaker TOUCH_LAB gets our fresh ideas closer to our customers. It also enables our design team in Portland to test their ideas live.” said Jeremy Moon, Icebreaker‘s founder and CEO. “For us, to sUCCeed in the U.S. means success globally, as it’s the most influential outdoor market. In other markets, we‘ve seen great success with TOUCH_LABs, leading to increased brand recognition and deeper connection with our customers. This step is key in raising our brand awareness and solidifying our design-driven position in the US market.”

  Icebreaker recently announced the integration of its U.S. sales, marketing, and operations into its current global design studio offices at 1227 NW Davis, also in Portland. The synergy of U.S.-based operations will lend power to Icebreaker’s recruitment drive, while allowing the design team to get closer to the market and Icebreaker end-users.


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