首页热门推荐 国际 Hi-Tec首席执行官Binnendijk亲临欧洲项目主管一职


作者:admin    2007-10-26 10:39

  SportsOneSource媒体2007年10月24日报道:在2002年加入全球知名户外运动品牌Hi-Tec之后,首席执行官Martin Binnendijk的首要目标就是要使该公司将重点集中到品牌的运营中。5年后的今天,该公司已经过成功改革,无论是Hi-Tec还是Magnum品牌都在健康的成长之中。

  在该团队的设计与开发,以及市场推广活动的初期,Martin Binnendijk的工作重心其中相当大一部分放在了公司在远东地区的基础设施以及各种制造及采购项目上。他在HI-TEC China签署30年的许可协议一事上也起到了关键作用。

  随着近期David Goulding的离职,Binnendijk已决定采取更加实际的措施,以进一步的调整欧洲项目,并会自己担任欧洲项目主管一职。他的工作重点将放在进一步整合Hi-Tec和Magnum品牌在欧洲地区的运营,以优化对顾客的服务并提高效率。

  原文:Hi-Tec CEO Takes Over as President of EU Operations

  SportsOneSource Media     Posted: 10/24/2007

  After joining global sports and outdoor brand HI-TEC in 2002, CEO Martin Binnendijk’s prime objectives were to make the company a more consistent, brand focused operation. Now, 5 years on, the company has transformed and both the Hi-Tec and Magnum brand are seeing healthy global growth.

  After the initial centralizing of the Group’s design & development, as well as marketing activities, Binnendijk has focused a large portion of his recent activities on the company’s infrastructure in the Far East involving various manufacturing and sourcing projects. He has also been instrumental on the opening of HI-TEC China signing a brand new 30 year licensing agreement.

  With the recent departure of David Goulding, who has now left the company in order to seek new chAllenges, Binnendijk has decided to take a more hands-on involvement in the further fine-tuning of the European Operation and will therefore take on the role of President for Hi-Tec Europe himself. His focus will be on further integration in order to optimize service and efficiencies for our customers and fuel the continued growth of the Hi-Tec and Magnum brands in Europe.


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