首页热门推荐 国际 Kahtoola公司在东北及西北地区新增了两个销售代理


作者:admin    2007-10-30 15:30

  SportsOneSource媒体2007年10月29日报道:以雪鞋配件见长的Kahtoola在东北及西北地区新增了几个销售代理。由Steve SchnEIDER代理东北部地区的销售,包括缅因州、新罕布什尔州、佛蒙特州、马萨诸塞州、康涅狄格州、宾夕法尼亚州、新泽西州和罗得岛。由Cascade Group代理西北部地区,包括阿拉斯加、华盛顿州和俄勒冈州。最近Schneider和Cascade Group将参加一个当地的销售展会,并展售Kahtoola的新产品MICROspikes、FLIGHTsystem雪鞋以及KTS带钉鞋底。

  “Kahtoola在户外市场的销售额正不断增长。随着今年秋季新款MICROspikes的推出,销售代理商和零售商的作用也越发重要。”Kahtoola创始人兼总裁Danny Giovale说道:“我们期望将品牌不断发展壮大,在冬季给消费者提供更方便有效的产品。”

  原文:Kahtoola Hires Two New Rep Groups

  SportsOneSource Media     Posted: 10/29/2007

  Kahtoola, which makes snow shoe accessories, has hired several new sales reps for the Northeast and Northwest. Steve Schneider is now representing the Northeast including Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Rhode Island. The Cascade Group represents the Northwest region including Alaska, Washington and Oregon. Both Schneider and the Cascade Group join immediately and will be attending regional sales shows and selling the Kahtoola’s new MICROspikes pocket traction, FLIGHTsystem snowshoes, and KTS crampons.

  “Kahtoola’s sales in the outdoor market continue to grow. With the launch of our new MICROspikes this fall, sales representatives and retailers play an increASIngly important role in our sUCCess,” noted Danny Giovale, Kahtoola’s founder and president. “We hope to continue to grow the brand and provide consumers with a way to stay active in the winter with convenient, effective footwear traction.”


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