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La Sportiva推出可持续发展纲领 大力推广环保事业

作者:admin    2008-03-10 16:04

  La Sportiva一向重视和关注山区环境。80多年前,La Sportiva在意大利Dolomites山区为农民和向导开发了鞋类产品。2006年,La Sportiva推出了第一个公司可持续发展纲领。如今,La Sportiva更加注重自然环境,把环保带入生产和公司的每个环节中。La Sportiva大力推广这些环保措施。股东能够清晰地看到公司所取得的进步和需要改进的地方。

  La Sportiva(北美)总裁JoNathan Lantz说,“我们的可持续发展纲领涵盖公司的所有方面,从员工的福利到能源的节约。我们意识到如果使用不公平的劳力创造一个绿色产品是没有意义的。同样,如果使用公平劳力而污染了当地的地下水也是没有意义的。”

  La Sportiva的可持续发展纲领主要包括4个方面:降低二氧化碳的排放,减少废物,公平的劳力和社会慈善事业。2007年,该公司进一步推广这项纲领,并取得了一些成就。

  La Sportiva利用可再生能源来抵消排放量。该公司致力于能源的净化,意大利的La Sportiva工厂经过改造后,减少了能源的使用。这些有助于该公司的环保和可再生能源的推广。La Sportiva与Eco-Cycle Zero Waste of Boulder County合作,在网上呼吁社区居民要减少浪费。La Sportiva已经采取了OIA's Fair Labor Toolkit来解决生产过程中的人为因素。OIA's Fair Labor Toolkit汇集了几家著名的户外公司所采取的行为准则和战略。

  La Sportiva还致力于社会和社区的改善及发展,主要是与教育和以教育为基础的组织合作来实现的。2007年,La Sportiva和Sierra Magazine合作来推广品牌和公司的可持续发展纲领。2008年,La Sportiva和Sierra Magazine签署了一项协议,扩大双方的合作伙伴关系和支持Sierra Club's Inner City Outing (ICO)项目。ICO主要是针对低收入的城市青年。

  La Sportiva更加透明地向公众公布,包括明确地标示其产品的原产国。今年,La Sportiva与Green Living Project合作。从2008年3月开始,该项目宣传合作伙伴为可持续性发展所做的努力。

  关于La Sportiva

  在庆祝成立80周年之际,La Sportiva带来了功能性的登山鞋。La Sportiva以多年的经验生产一系列登山产品,如登山鞋,山地跑鞋和徒步鞋。如果您想进一步了解La Sportiva,请登陆www.sportiva.com

  原文:La Sportiva Refines Environmental and Social Responsibility Platform

  www.outdoorindustry.org www.8264.net 03/09/2008 21:13

  Boulder, Colo. March 7, 2008, March 7th, 2008 - An appreciation and love for the mountain environment has been a part of La Sportiva's business from the time the company was building rugged footwear for farmers and mountain guides in the Italian Dolomites 80 years ago. In 2006, La Sportiva launched their first Corporate Sustainability Platform. Today, that same feeling of stewardship is prompting La Sportiva to integrate more responsible practices and production processes that respect the environment into each part of their business.

  La Sportiva will couple these environmental initiatives with new efforts at transparency so that stakeholders can see where the company is making tangible improvements and where improvements can still be made.

  "Our Corporate Sustainability Platform is designed to cover all aspects of our business, from employee welfare to waste reduction. We are taking this holistic approach because we feel strongly that creating a green product is meaningless if it uses unfair labor practices. Likewise, the best fair labor platform is meaningless if the production process pollutes the local ground water," said Jonathan Lantz, president of La Sportiva North America.

  La Sportiva's new efforts can be broken down into four main areas of focus, reducing their carbon footprint, waste reduction, fair labor, and social philanthropy. In 2007, the company's approach to furthering their Corporate Sustainability Platform netted several tangible improvements.

  La Sportiva helped offset a portion of its emissions with renewable energy credits (RECs). The company's total commitment to clean energy, they estimate, was equivalent to not burning 22,665 pounds of coal, not driving 53,568 miles or also planting 202 trees. Additionally, La Sportiva's Italian factory experienced retrofits that reduce that company's combined energy use. These efforts helped the company to reduce its overall ecological footprint and helped promote cleaner, renewable energy.

  La Sportiva is a community partner with Eco-Cycle Zero Waste of Boulder County, a program that networks and enables communities to reduce waste. The program allows La Sportiva to increase recycling capabilities and further reduce waste by working with community partners. As a further waste-reduction measure, La Sportiva launched a shoe recycling initiative that improves their product's end-of-life cycle by diverting them from landfills as waste. The program involves participation from customers by accepting shoes, depending on condition, for either recycling or reuse.

  In addressing the human element of the manufacturing process, La Sportiva has adopted OIA's Fair Labor Toolkit. This toolkit presents a code of conduct and a variety of strategies that was developed by pooling the best practices of several outdoor industry companies. It provides a comprehensive system for monitoring labor standards compliance in order to understand if and where there are labor compliance violations in La Sportiva's supply chain so the company can work to eliminate them. La Sportiva has implemented this in its Italian factory and at its contract factories in the Far East.

  La Sportiva is also committed to social causes and improving community relations and development. This commitment is achieved mainly through partnerships with awareness, eduCATion and conservation-based organizations. In 2007, La Sportiva partnered with Sierra Magazine to help promote the brand and their company's commitment to sustainability. In 2008, La Sportiva has signed a deal to expand their partnership with Sierra to include support for Sierra Club's Inner City Outing (ICO) program. The ICO program is a community outreach initiative that provides low-income, inner-city youth the opportunity for wilderness experiences that may otherwise be unavailable.

  In La Sportiva's efforts to be more transparent to the public, the company has taken several steps, including clearly labeling its products' country of origin. This year, La Sportiva will partner with the Green Living Project?. Beginning in March of 2008, the project will attempt to document sustainability in an effort to increase exposure for "green living" projects from partner organizations, like La Sportiva.

  La Sportiva will be continuing their efforts to improve every aspect of their business through this Corporate Sustainability Platform. The company has plans to continue to support its environmental stewardship programs and improve working conditions throughout its supply chain. For more information on La Sportiva's efforts in these areas, Download La Sportiva's Corporate Social Responsibility Report.


  Celebrating their 80th anniversary, La Sportiva brings a strong alpine mountaineering and climbing heritage to their line of performance mountain footwear. This core experience enables La Sportiva to offer the most versatile technical climbing, mountaineering, Mountain Running? and hiking shoes on the market. For more information on La Sportiva visit www.sportiva.com.


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