首页热门推荐 登山 08四姑娘山幺妹峰西南脊首登攀登报告[组图]


作者:darkblueocean    2008-10-23 13:54

  Delighted to find our cache and finally get some improving weather, we gathered our things and started to rappel the south face from a point directly below our high camp. Nine days into our seven-day supply, reversing the ridge to the cache to descend the gully south of the notch was out of the question. The climbing separating us from the cache was much more difficult and time consuming than we had expected. After approximately thirty rappels with our skinny alpine rack we touched down on the glacier at 15,600 feet with no pins, four stoppers, three cams, no runners and about 15 feet of tat left on the rack.


  Anxious to avoid another night in our soggy down bags, we opted to descend to base camp that night. At 10:30 p.m., in the pouring rain, we found ourselves hopelessly lost in the brush at 14,200 feet. Lacking flat ground, we built a crude stone ledge in the talus, pitched the tent and settled in for a final, miserable night (forty-two hours had passed since our last bivi and fifty-two since our last meal).


他们本次攀登的线路说明图 Dylan Johnson绘制(点击看大图

  The tenth day we hiked down to the Changping Valley, getting cliffed out in several loCATions and having to cross a gorge at 13,600 feet. The yak trail, as we saw from below, is on the north side of the valley, along the base of the walls. We reached base camp that afternoon at 2:30 p.m.


  I lost over 30 pounds during the climb, Chad over 20. The route followed one rest day after a six-day acclimatization climb, a second ascent of a nearby peak by a 3000-foot rock climb (5.8, 12 pitches) topping out at 19,000 feet. Spanning a six-day weather window, sixteen of sEVENTeen consecutive days were spent climbing.



  据译者向四川登协考证,本次登顶应该是幺妹峰有正式记载(在四川登协注册的)的第三次登顶,第一次为1981年7、8月间,日本同志社大学登山队由南壁转东南山脊首登;第二次就是2004年11月17日-18日包括了四名中国民间登山者马一桦、陈骏池、康华、陈泽刚和两个美国人:Jon Otto、Tim Boelter的那次登顶。

  当然被世人所熟知的还有两次偷登(没有在四川登协注册的攀登)一次是1994年美国人Charlie Fowler沿南壁转东南山脊新路线单人solo登顶。另一次则是2002年英国人 Mick Fowler和Paul Ramsden沿幺妹峰北壁直上那次梦幻登顶。



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