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乔戈里峰—野蛮之峰 [组图]

作者:admin    2004-04-13 00:00

  Outside the courtroom Bonatti has for almost half a century maintained his version of the story. He argues that the oxygen bottles could not have run out before Lacedelli and Compagnoli reached the summit. The statement that they couldn’t be bothered to take the empty cylinders off their backs, and instead carried them to the summit, is absurd; the burden of empty oxygen bottles is too heavy to carry climbing in thin air not to be bothered to remove them. Bonatti himself took the full bottle off and on several times without much effort while searching for the last camp. A more significant feature is a photograph taken on the summit where Lacedelli is still wearing his oxygen mask. This clearly points to the fact that there was indeed oxygen left, he would have no reason whatsoever to wear the mask should the bottle be empty; on the contrary, he would have got the feeling of suffoCATing.


  So the Italian sUCCess of 1954 remains, but the versions of the preceding EVENTs differ. Was it an Expedition that succeeded in spite of the betrayal of a young ambitious man, or was it the survival of a young ambitious man in spite of the betrayal of his expedition? Bonatti presents his version of the expedition in his book “The Mountains of My Life”.


  - "The only logical deduction is that no one has ever really wanted either to confront or to resolve the whole false history of K2 nor expose the one terrible lie that is also most blatanty obvious."

  - Walter Bonatti(The mountains of my life)






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